Adoption Story: Ricky
Showing Ricky The Ropes
Ricky’s patience finally paid off. Ricky is an 8-month-old Catahoula Leopard Dog mix that has been with us at HART for a while now. Arriving at our facility with little socialization experience, Ricky initially had a hard time warming up to people. Once our kind and gentle staff spent time teaching him that humans can be pretty awesome sometimes and that most had treats, he slowly began to come out of his shell. We knew that this beautiful boy was going to need a kind and patient family with another dog to show Ricky the ropes. The search was long but it finally paid off when a beautiful couple came in to meet Ricky with their dog that they had previously rescued from another shelter. The two boys instantly bonded and it made our hearts smile to watch Ricky play and run with no worry in the world. It was pretty easy to see that this family was exactly what Ricky needed. Thank you to this wonderful family for giving Ricky the opportunity to grow up into the good boy we all know he will be.