Our Programs
Rescue & Transport
Each year HART for Animals is able to rescue hundreds of dogs and cats. Many are adopted from the HART adoption center, but others are transported to other shelters and specialty rescue groups which help us find forever homes for the pets that arrive at HART for Animals.
HART is committed to providing information and resources to the community to advocate for humane treatment and ownership of pets. Our staff is available to speak at community organizations about animal safety, behavior, and our mission. School groups are welcome to visit.

HART by the numbers.
The revenues generated by the services at the HART Animal Center support the basic operating costs so that we may serve the animals and our community through our mission programs.
Charitable Programs
Lola’s Fund
A program that helps adopt senior dogs by providing incentives to families that want to make an older dog a member of their family.
Mocha’s Fund
A special program to pay for the cost of a seriously injured rescue animal that can be rehabilitated and adopted.
Macy’s Fund
A program providing free feline spay and neuters for community and barn cats in Garrett County regardless of income.
Neil’s Fund
A program for low-income pet owners that enables them to get needed veterinary care that they otherwise could not afford.